International Yoga Academy

Best Yoga Academy in Rishikesh

About Us

International Yoga Academy , Trust , Rishikesh was founded on 12 August , 2009 by Amit Negi ( Yogi ) with the sole aim to revive the ancient Indian Gurukula System of Yoga education, on the bank of Ganges at a distance of about 1 km from Rishikesh and about 200 km from Delhi. 

This institution are established with the objective of providing an indigenous alternative to Traditional yoga and Yoga therapy and Naturoapthy by imparting education in the areas of Yoga & vedic literature, Indian philosophy, Indian culture, modern Yogic sciences and research and Health. This academy registered to NITI Ayog/NGO Darpan , Govt of India (UA/2021/0286520 ).
Our Yoga Academy Affiliated to International Yoga Alliance India and Indian Yoga Association , New Delhi and Akhil Bhrtiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad , New Delhi.
Earlier , our Yoga Academy was Affiliated with Dev Sanskrit University ( Distance Education) , Haridwar and PQMS ( YCB All levels ) , Punjab.

Our Vision

To become a pillar of innovation and excellence in Naturopathy & yoga education and health ( Physical and psyological ) by developing grooming human resource with leadership qualities, Traditional yoga and moral values, research and indian culture and skills develoment .

Our Mission

The International Yoga Academy, Rishikesh will provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, examine critically, preserve and transmit knowledge, wisdom and values to improve the quality of life for all.The Academy will guide students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the complex cultural and physical worlds in which they live and to realize their highest potential of intellectual, physical , Psychological , emotional and Spiritual development.


Aims & Objectives

Maintaining and promoting the different Indian Yoga traditions.
Certification of Yoga Professionals and Yoga Schools and Naturopathy.
To bring certain amount of self discipline in the operations of the Yoga Institutions .
To conduct experiments and research on emerging trends in Yoga
To develop techniques and approaches based on the Ancient Yoga Texts and Granthas of Yoga to meet the challenges of the modern era.
To prescribe different courses for imparting Yoga education, training, therapy and research.
Certification of Yoga Professionals and Yoga Schools and Naturopathy.
To provide extensive research facilities for carrying out fundamental and clinical research in the discipline of Yoga and naturopathy and its applications keeping in view the socio-economic needs of all sections of the society.
To hold Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Camps and Public meetings to propagate information and knowledge of Yoga and Naturoapthy , its various techniques and practice in various parts of India as well as abroad